But why?
Start with why, they say. And we struggled for years with our why. It turns out we knew it all along, we just didn’t think it was exciting enough.
We’re over that now, and are proud of our why - even if it isn’t to change the world. We’ll leave that one to you…
Can you burn water?
Have you ever had an amazing meal in a restaurant and said to the chef, “that was amazing, you must have a really good frying pan?
Of course you haven’t. And like the skill of cooking an amazing meal, creating an amazing photograph isn’t because of the camera…
Fear, and getting the shot anyway
How to get the shot when you are 4 stories up in a cherry picker and have vertigo…
Is getting the shot everything? We think not - here’s why
Well, hello there…
In which we explain why we split our professional event and corporate photography business from our family photography. And added video services…