From Heathrow to… Heathrow🤷♂️
Which view do you prefer?
Phones are wonderful things. This week, my phone reminded me that 6 years ago I was at a shoot in sunny Athens. Last year I was in beautiful Barcelona. And this year’s March shoot? I travelled to Heathrow, as usual. And stayed in Heathrow. Gah.
As we’ve said before, however, business travel isn’t all that. Sure, the photograph from the bedroom window (or rooftop terrace) might be lovely. But the reality is: taxi -> airport -> aeroplane -> airport -> taxi -> hotel. (Then in reverse for the return.) At least this way the tedious middle part was cut out. Taxi -> hotel. (And only 20 minutes from home.)
Once you’re at the hotel, it doesn’t really matter where you are. The huge pots of coffee are the same. The bottles of water are the same. All that matters is the stage dressing that the event organisers have prepared. And making sure we capture all this effort in the best way possible - and in a way that couldn’t be done with an iPhone.
So despite the fact we can’t boast about having been to some exotic location this month, we’ve been able to do the same amazing work that we love. If you’re hosting an event, whether it’s in Singapore or Slough, ask us how we can help you show it - and your talent - off to its absolute best. 🍉